Friday, October 10, 2008

Me Time!

It's nice to be home again with the family, even if our time together is less than coherent. I especially like spending time with my little sister because it reminds me of what it's like to be young, hopeful, and uncertain. I know the last characteristic is a funny thing to be thankful for, but I've always considered unwavering confidence a bane of adulthood. We haven't learned all there is to learn! Even if our uncertainty causes us to make mistakes, it's also what keeps us dynamic and - this I believe too - decent. We'll see if I still think this in 20 years when I have kids of my own ;-)

My week on postpartum hasn't been that bad, although I did feel somewhat under-utilized. Talking to other people, though, I guess my experience was not as inferior as I had imagined it to be. I got to deliver a placenta (and it was my own fault that I wasn't there to deliver the baby as well), some nice residents taught me how to tie a two-handed surgical knot, one even let me do a sub-Q stitch on a C-section patient, and I've met some really great patients. There is much to be thankful for, and I just have to remind myself of that during moments of stress. Also, I'm considering working abroad with a nonprofit for a while once I finish residency, but more on that later.

That's a photo of my sister, by the way. I think she's the greatest :-)

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