Sunday, August 26, 2007

wow, you can post videos on this thing!

I'm tired of studying for my upcoming test. Besides, I think I've learned about all that I can. So instead, I'm going to do what I usually do when I'm bored: watch music videos on the internet. Today's theme: melancholy, male singers.

First up: Damien Rice & "The Blower's Daughter"

Then: Rufus Wainwright's "Going to a Town"

Last but not least, the most melancholy man of them all, Nick Cave's "Love Letter."

Enjoy, but don't be too overwhelmed by the angst!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

this one's for Lisa

In my undergrad years, my little sister told my parents I was "going wild" so she could pull off some stupid shit of her own (you know, smoke crack, have sex, or whatever it is that 12 yr olds do nowadays). That, of course, was a total lie as I was so tame in college my former roommate found occasion to talk about my homebody-ness with her mother a few weeks back. Med school, though, is a different story. It's MUCH more fun, even if I'm still only at 30% on the "Risk-Fun Scale" (as in, maybe I'll touch the funnel and check out a few asses while tipsy).

I'm not sure what the point of this digression is, except that it's 2 am, and I hate Mark Johnson for posting on his facebook profile, forcing me to become more addicted to the pop culture crap-n-commentary that's slowly dissolving my brain.

ps, TIME mag ran a piece on " child geniuses" this week that more or less sums up what I think about them anyways: Only douchebags consent to be interviewed and say things like, "Well, I'm so smart it's no wonder other kids are jealous." Stop it. You don't see Hawkins wheeling around telling people he's the shit, do you?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Check out this band: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

I think they've been around for a while, but I just got into them, and I'm just loving their sound. Plus, hot look, which I hardly ever say for people from LA. I especially like "Not What You Wanted" from their newest Baby 81 album, despite the fact that one critic has described it as "just waiting to appear on the background of the OC." Whatever. People should go check them out, they're great for rockin' out to.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


One should never listen to Death Cab for Cutie's "Transatlanticism" late at night, and especially not right before sleep. It'll put you into a somber mood even if you were hyper as a hamster on speed previously.


I've just finished the 1st day of M2 (that's 2nd year of medical school, for those not in the lingo), and I'm already starting to collapse into giggles at the slightest provocation. I was really hoping I would maintain my sanity for a bit longer than this.

The upside? Within 24 hours, I will eat a very delicious chocolate cake.