Tuesday, October 21, 2008

and on a lighter note...

Things that made me crack up laughing this week (and therefore look like an idiot to passersby):

1. Dr. Lue: "Median.... median what? What happened to this slide? Oh, ok, median thrgh."
Mind you, this is a lecture on pubic hair. The median thrgh! The pirate's favorite leg part!

2. Text from Phil: "Why'd you send me that? I'm sitting right here in the corner!! FOR SHAME LULU!!! For shame."
Phil responding indignantly to me replying to his "Let me know when we get started" text at 4 pm, when he had in fact sent it in reference to conference at 8 am. So you were the asshole whose phone went off :-)

3. Adam: "Yea, I'll do a panniculectomy on you.... but I'll take that fat and put it on your back! Watch out, he's got Cushings!!"
Fat feet, Adam, fat feet. Seconds later, he reneges on his unwarranted aggression and wonders why it isn't a medically indicated procedure covered by insurance.

Currently listening to: "Sexy Boy" by Air

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