Thursday, January 29, 2009

No food blogs today

I ate too much at a drug rep dinner tonight. Now, browsing through my normal food blogs makes me sick. Ugh.

I'm almost done with Plastics Surgery. It was surprisingly enjoyable and diverse in practice. When I asked my attending why he went into the field of plastics, he said "because they do good work and they're a fun bunch of people." Not the most clever response, but true to the core. It would be hard to work in a field of medicine where you thought your co-workers were all self-promoting assholes. I think the first part of his statement is definitely true; the jury is still out on the second.

On a similar note, I've decided that I don't actually like people with high ambitions. It's too easy for them to adopt the "drop 'em if they can't help you" mentality - which should be a big no-no in healthcare anyway. However, I must say that my inherent dislike of the notion that our relationships should only advance us is probably why I am making one of the most stupid, potentially hurtful decisions of my young life. Oh well. What can you do? If you claim to have principles, then you have to adhere to them, and no one ever promised you that it would be easy or fun.

I like the thought in the collage above.

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