Sunday, May 15, 2011

It rained all day in Cleveland today

and I felt rather out of place wearing my brown dress, with my silk scarf.

I came home and packed, for what feels like the umpteenth time in my life. It was strange to see what I had accumulated and had not during the past four years. My books I can still not let go, though I am giving away some medical books that the internet has since replaced. I threw away some photos and memorabilia from friends in the past - sad to see them go, but new keepsakes and loves need their room in both space and the heart. I anticipate feeling a twinge of sadness when my apartment looks empty again, prepped and sterilized for the next new tenant.

I have been reading Patti Smith's "Just Kids." Her sense of memory resonates with me. I know how vivid it all can be. Some things never quite leave you. I wonder if, in time, I, too, will extrapolate the great quiet messages that accompany our strongest memories, and how my feelings will change.

I think I shall take up writing again. Too much goes by and gets lost in the frenzy of intern year. Just a few snippets a day. Just like I did in high school. That's my therapy to myself.

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